
Raspbian Error:Kernel panic-not syncing

Picture of Adriano Rampoldi
Re: Raspbian Error:Kernel panic-not syncing
by Adriano Rampoldi - Wednesday, 14 March 2018, 4:04 PM

seguite le istruzioni all'indirizzo

con alcune modifiche minori:

  1. Start the Raspberry holding the Shift key.
  2. Once NOOBS loads, press Alt-F2 to access the recovery command line.
  3. Login with username root and password raspberry.
  4. Type fsck.ext4 -y /dev/mmcblk0p6. This will scan and attempt to repair the corrupted file system (replace ext4 with your partition type if needed). Note that the auto mode of fsck (i.e. only typing fsck instead of fsck.ext4) is not supported.
  5. Unplug the power cable and plug it back in. The Raspberry now starts fine.